The Heart Matters Blog

The Heart Matters Blog

As we journey through life, we accumulate a series of experiences that shape our perceptions and mold our understanding of the world. However, our tendency to evaluate and reflect on what we've learned often limits our perspective to what we can see with our eyes. It's only through the lens of the heart and soul that we can truly see...

"Fight less, cuddle more. Demand less, serve more. Text less, talk more. Criticize less, compliment more. Stress less, laugh more. worry less, pray more. With each new day, find new ways to love each other even more." ~ Dave Willis
"When we're dealing with money in relationships, when we're dealing with money in our personal lives, and when we're dealing with money in our families, the flow of money in a family represents the value system under which that family operates." Dave Ramsey
"Sex isn't just about orgasms. It's about sensation, emotional intimacy, stress relief, improved health (improved immune and cardiovascular system), and increased emotional bonding with your partner, thanks to the wonderful release of hormones due to physical touch. There are many more reasons to have sex than just getting off." Kat Van Kirk,...
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." ~ Winston Churchill
"If you reach the morning and you have good health, food for the day, and safety, it's a if you have the whole world and everything in it."-Muhammad the son of Abdullah

There have been so many things said about intimate relationships and their importance in our lives. Let us reflect for a moment on this verse from The Recital. This verse is known by scholars as 'The verse of love,' and it states,
"And among His Signs is that He created mates for you from amongst yourselves, that you...

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